Read my interview with Sarah Kirton from MysticMag below.

Leontine, please tell us a little about yourself and your work?

I am a trained shamanic practitioner, energy, sound and light healer, teacher of shamanic and energy healing, workshop and international travel leader, psychic life coach and intuitive consultant, award winning recording artist (for my album Star Bear Medicine), ordained interfaith minister, hypnotherapist, herbalist, Usui and Karuna Reiki Master, Magnified Healer, writer, and medium.

I founded the Eye of the Eagle Center for Spiritual Light in 1994 and have been teaching shamanic apprenticeship programs, workshops, retreats, leading ceremonies and sound healing concerts and helping people heal for 30 years. Prior to 1994 I also taught meditation and spiritual development workshops.
I have trained with Sandra Ingerman, Michael Harner and numerous indigenous shamans from different cultures.I have had many lifetimes that I remember of being a spiritual teacher and healer, and I do my best to bring forward the wisdom I had access to in the past to enhance all that I have learned in this lifetime. And, of course, I am still learning and I love it!

What programs do you teach?

I teach two extensive trainings and many other workshops and classes. My two main programs currently are: The Ocean of Light Healing Program and the Shamanic Light Healer Apprenticeship.

Can you tell us more about the Ocean of Light Healing Program and how it integrates the teachings from the Goddess Isis? What can participants expect in terms of their spiritual and healing development from this program?

The Ocean of Light Healing Program is an intensive 2 year program that teaches students how to heal on the frequencies of light and sound. Since everything is composed of light, learning to heal on the frequencies of light, which also have a vibration or sound, allows the healer to create true deep lasting healing.

I have had the exquisite honor to be able to channel these teachings from the Goddess Isis and the Ascended Masters. The Goddess Isis showed up in my meditation one day and instructed me to start writing down what she taught me. I visit with her on a daily basis, and continue to channel profound wisdom teachings and healing methods and systems from her.

The teachings are vast and I am completing a book of the Ocean of Light Healing teachings and will be training others to teach this healing system. The teachings come from wisdom archives that are tended by the Ascended Masters. I have been told that now is the time on planet Earth for light workers and committed healers to learn these methods.

The healings that occur from using these methods have consistently produced amazing results. A number of doctors have exclaimed: “There is no explanation for this, it’s miraculous,” when a patient heals suddenly.
The Ocean of Light Program leads the student through a personal process of transformation and elevation of energetic vitality and spiritual consciousness through meditations and spiritual practices.

This results in the student being able to experience and understand the frequencies of light that make up a client’s energy and be able to work with helping spirits and the frequencies of light and sound to correct and heal whatever imbalances there might be on emotional, physical, mental, psychological, spiritual and energetic levels.

There are a number of facets, or modules to the Ocean of Light teachings. Some of them include working with the chakras, sacred geometry, star energies, nature and tree energies, planetary light grids and vortex portals and much more.

This work is profound and the healing that occurs is the most powerful that I have ever experienced with 30 years of study and practice in this lifetime.

I’m very honored to bring forth these esoteric and practical teachings and to work with the Goddess Isis and a large team of Ascended Masters, Angels and Star Teachers to teach and practice these beautiful, powerful and effective methods to people dedicated to energy healing and their own spiritual growth.

What are some of the key practices or teachings that you emphasize for students in the Apprenticeship to deepen their connection with helping spirits and to enhance their healing abilities?

The Shamanic Light Healer Apprenticeship Program is a 9 month program I have been teaching for 30 years. It is a comprehensive program that teaches fundamental core shamanic practices and healing methods.

Students learn to work intensively with compassionate helping spirits in shamanic journeys facilitated by drumming. Cross-cultural shamanic practices are taught including Healing with Spiritual Light, Psychopomp/Deathwalking, Extraction Healing, Healing with the Ancestors, Working with Nature, Elemental, and Weather Spirits, and Soul Retrieval Healing and much more!

One of the fundamentals of shamanic healing and shamanic practice is that a practitioner learns to have direct communication with fully compassionate wise helping and healing spirits. This connection is learned by listening to a drum beat, but progresses to an ability to connect with helping spirits at will.

When a shamanic practitioner has these helping spirit resources, they are able to transcend ego and mental thought, and are able to get direct and specific instruction from wise fully loving spirits to augment learned healing modalities to create a healing experience personally tailored for each individual to bring the client, group, organization or place in nature to optimal health on all levels.

This is distinct and superior from learning and implementing formatted healing modalities which may or may not address a client’s healing needs.

In shamanic practice we are very clear that it is not the practitioner who is doing the healing, but rather she/he is a partner with the helping spirits and the helping spirits and Divine Love and Light are doing the healing.

This program prepares students to begin a shamanic healing practice, if that is what the helping spirits guide them to, and to have a deep personal relationship with fully compassionate wise helping spirits to help them with their life and healing.

What other classes, programs and ceremonies do you teach and why do you feel they are important?

Lightworks Weaving the World for Health and Peace- This is a weekend retreat I am next teaching in January, 2026 in North Andover, MA. This is a retreat where we work with angelic, nature, elemental and other helping spirits to clear and restore balance and health to ourselves first. Then we work with the ley lines, earth grids and planetary vortex energies to restore balance to the earth. We work to bring balance to the weather patterns as well as to bring peace to the world by enhancing the Divine Feminine energy.

Karmic Clearing – to help people understand and clear past unresolved karmic energy from the past and their current life to liberate them from hidden restrictions so they can fulfill their soul purpose and live full and happy lives.

Empath Empowerment – This class will soon be on my website to purchase and follow at your own pace. Occasionally I teach it live on Zoom or in person.

As a highly sensitive empath myself, I learned from my spirit guides some amazingly effective methods of strengthening and protecting my energy so that I could function well in the world and enjoy myself and my relationships! I love teaching empaths how to live happy full lives with ease. The secret is not in just learning protection and clearing methods, although those too are important. What is critical is learning how to strengthen your energy from the inside to the outside so that you learn to feel your own power and vitality and retain it.

Wyana Dances – These are ceremonial circle dances, each with a specific chant and simple movements. The ceremonies create healing for the participants as well as generate healing energy for humanity and the planet and solar system. I was gifted these dance ceremonies from the helping spirits and love leading them. Each simple chant and circle dance is taught at the beginning of the ceremony and then everyone participates in creating a sacred space and enlightened energy which is profound and transforming!

Pulling Down the Stars and Sacred Light Language Ceremonies – Sound healing ceremonies with channeled healing light sacred language and crystal bowls. I channel healing songs in spirit language that are designed by the helping spirits to bring healing to the attendees.

Mystic Pilgrim Journeys – I lead spiritual pilgrimages to sacred power vortexes and sacred sites in different places around the world. The intention of these journeys is for personal empowerment and healing as well as bringing divine light and Divine Feminine energy and star healing energy into the sacred light grids of the earth to enhance world peace. This is most powerfully done at sacred earth vortex portals. I have been taught by the spirits and the Goddess Isis specific meditation and practice methods to allow anyone to do this magnificent work to help themselves, humanity and our planet.

The next Mystic Pilgrim Journey will be to Chartres, France to work with the profound Divine Feminine energies in this sacred vortex and to Brittany, France to work with the powerful energies of the many ancient standing stones found there and energy portals. Exact dates and details TBA for Spring, 2026.
If you are interested in joining this journey please email me at to be put on the list. Space is limited!

Omaja Music- Channeled Light Language Songs – I am an award winning recording artist with two albums out and a third in production. “Star Bear Medicine” by Omaja won a Silver Medal at the COVE awards, 2014 for Best New Age Album of the Year. It is an album of healing songs from the stars and constellations. “Singing Green: Songs from the Plant Spirits” is channeled healing songs from different plant spirits.

Can you describe the process you use to channel guidance from your helping spirits during a healing session? How does this process help in tailoring the healing to each individual?

I have been a shamanic energy teacher and healer for thirty years. While I was training as a Reiki Master and shamanic practitioner I began to channel guidance from my helping spirits to augment and expand the healing methods I had learned from my human teachers in order to best help each client achieve complete healing for whatever their issues were.

Before I begin a session with a client I consult with my helping spirits about what exactly the client needs for their best healing. I get instructions on how to talk with the client and what healing I will do with them.
When I am with the client in a session, whether on Zoom, Skype, or phone or in person, I begin by talking with the client. At the same time I also see and hear my spirit healing team and am channeling questions to ask the client. I am also psychically reading their energy and diagnosing their root problems and the manifesting issues as well. I am carrying on several conversations at once, only one audible with the client!

Because I have been doing full time healing work for 30 years, over the years, the way that I work with my spirit guides has evolved into a pretty seamless process. My spirit guide team will instruct me in how to say things to the client so they can best receive the guidance and information the spirits want them to have.
I then have the client lie down or sit and relax. I proceed to do whatever healing work my spirit guides instruct me to do. I see and hear my spirit guides who surround the client and work on the client with me.

Often my spirit guides will instruct me in healing methods that are new to me, that I have never been taught by a human teacher. These healing methods are always effective and so powerful I am always amazed! In this way, not only do I learn new and wonderful healing methods, but clients receive healings tailored for them by the wise fully compassionate helping spirits that I have spent decades developing a strong relationship with.

I remember once working with one of my shaman teachers Don Estaban Tamayo in Ecuador in his healing room in his village in Ecuador. Don Estaban began working with a client and began doing the exact healing method one of my spirit guides had taught me several years earlier when I was working on a client. The method was powerful and my client had received a deep healing. Don Estaban’s client also received a tremendous healing. After the client departed, I explained to Don Estaban that I had learned the exact same healing method from my spirit guides. He smiled and nodded, “This is how it is done,” he said, “that is good!”

How has working long distance with clients, especially during the pandemic, affected your approach to healing sessions?

I was working with clients long distance, all over the world, long before the pandemic! I was also teaching on Zoom for students in Asia, Australia and Europe many years before the pandemic as well.

Energy healing is about energy! Moving, repairing, improving energy. Therefore, energy healing is not confined to time or space, so it is just as effective in person as when done remotely. I have had clients healed of physical illness, and mental/psychological disorders from long distance healing. It is also possible to work with the environment, weather spirits and nature spirits and land spirits long distance. What a wonderful world where we can affect positive change, balance and healing in this way!