Dear Beloved Ones:

We applaud your progress to these times, and we are here to encourage and guide you through the changes that will unfold as your energies and the energies of your planet refine and untangle for a greater joy of love expanding. You are going to ultimately love this process!

We want you to work with your inner light energy. Soon, we will teach you how to work with the light energies outside and around you, and in particular with your beautiful Mother Earth energies.

Your Mother Earth needs your help, to help her balance all the shifting vibrations that she is experiencing. You are in a symbiotic relationship with her that you need to bring to your daily consciousness and work to strengthen. But first, you must strengthen your own energy and your own awareness of your inner light.

We will do our best to simplify this process to make it as easy for you as we can so that you will feel your evolution is smooth and flows with a grace that is your birthright and truly is your natural vibration.

So please read the following meditation and then practice it daily to strengthen your inner light and your connection to Divine Light.

There is a tube of light that runs through the core of your being, directly in front of the spine.  Visualize or imagine this tube of light running from the crown of your head down to the root chakra, the perineum area, between your legs.  Now also imagine branches of this tube running down each leg and out of the feet.

Now visualize or imagine (remember, imagining is good because it opens up consciousness, that is why humans have the power of imagination!) a tube or stream of light from the core of the earth coming up into your root chakra. There is a star at the core of the earth; the molten lava in the center of the earth is a star, the heart of the earth energy. Allow the light from the earth center star to come up into your root chakra. Let this light flow into you, filling your inner tube of light with strength and love. This is the earth’s gift to you. Let your heart be in an attitude of gratitude as you receive.

Now, while you keep the lower chakra open and connected to the core of the earth, allow the crown chakra at the top of your head to open and connect up, with a beam of light, to the center of Divine Love in the heavens. Visualize a beam of light coming up from your inner tube of light and connecting with the beam of light that is coming down to you from the Creator/Divine Love energy. Allow this light from the Creator to flow into you as you receive it with gratitude.

Feel the light from above and the light from below flowing into you as you open yourself to receive the power and blessing, healing and energy from these two light sources that support and love you.

Visualize the light flowing through your central tube of light and meeting in your heart, bringing you all the healing you need on every level of your being. Allow your heart to open to receive this light and love.

Now intend the light from your heart to flow back into the earth core as well as up to the center of Divine Love in the heavens. Feel how thankful you are for your life and those you love as you let the light flow back to the earth and heaven sources.   Now allow the love light to flow back into you.

Repeat until you feel full of light, resting in the relaxed flow of light connecting you with the universe, with the earth, with all that is.

Do this daily to energize your core of light and connect you with the life that sustains you.