Leontine Hartzell

Shamanic Visionary, Teacher, Healer

The times we are living in allow for the energies of our grandest dreams to come into realization. Our hearts can truly open into a Love so vast that all fear, all worry, all sorrow, can be dissolved into the great bliss of pure love. The path is lit and the lanterns are kept lit. Take one step at a time, you are not walking alone. So much love and support is here for you. The pathways are open and the guidance from Spirit is direct. Our hearts have evolved for generations upon generations for this time. Cast aside your doubt for you have lived many lifetimes in preparation so that you can enjoy this feast of wonder. There is only Love, and you are all surrounded in this beautiful Light of Love.

The Path of the Shaman

Do you call do you feel called to live a life of service as an energy healer?

Or are you an energy healer who wishes to enhance and further their training?

Do you feel a passion for stewardship of the earth and her all living creatures?

Do you feel a connection to the unseen spiritual forces of the universe and wish for a stronger connection?

Are you ready to immerse yourself in study and training in order to be the most excellent spiritual energy healer you can be?

With over 30 years experience as a spiritual energy healing teacher, meditation teacher, and channel for spiritual wisdom, Leontine Hartzell is a teacher of teachers. Her extensive experience as a full time shamanic energy healer walking the Path of Light and helping others to find their way to a life of union with all that is makes her a unique guide for lightworkers who seek deeper training and expanded knowledge of energy healing systems She is a pioneer in integrative energy medicine and healing. She is a teacher of healers and of energy medicine teachers. Her ability to channel wisdom teachings from the Elohim and compassionate helping spirits allows her healing and teaching to be infused with powerful guidance that help people live more fulfilling lives and help healers bring clear and true divine healing energy to others, all living creatures and the planet.

Join Leontine Hartzell on the path of the shaman…

This is a path of learning to see with the heart, to live with integrity and clarity, and live a life of ever deepening bonds with the source of all love, all joy, all meaning.


The Path of the Heart in the Ocean of Light

What is the path of the heart? It is a path for one to learn to distinguish, heal and clear all obstacles to the heart being completely open. It is a path for one to learn all of the nuances of navigating the pathways of divine love as connected with the physical life. What is the ocean of light? It is the vast matrix of light from which all creation is made. In learning to see, sense, navigate, and work with these lines of light one can create healing, bring balance and harmony to the elements in nature, and bring into manifestation the perfect dreams of the clear heart.

Do you crave clarity in your life?

Do you feel called to be a healer, or are already doing healing work for others, but want more clarity, more direction in working with healing Light?

Do you want to learn how to heal with sound and light, the fundamental frequencies at the root of all healing methods?

Do you admit to yourself that you are still struggling to heal from your past in order to free your soul to follow your bliss?

Do you feel you knew more about healing and working with Spirit in some past life and want to remember all you knew before to weave it together with what you know now so you can be more effective helping others?

Are you a weaver of traditions and methods and wish to have guidance from an expert teacher on creating new integrative energy healing traditions?

Leontine, like other shamans around the globe, can see and feel and navigate the light lines that weave together to create the universe.

Join Leontine Hartzell on the path of the light…

learning to live in connection with all the light frequencies that make up our world, our universe, and all the capacities of the human heart to love. 


More About Leontine

Leontine1Leontine Hartzell is a born shaman. Psychic since she was a young child, she grew up seeing angels and talking to spirits. She began remembering past lives as a medicine healer while a teenager and began to practice meditation and yoga and study ancient Taoist texts while in high school in the 1970’s.

Leontine went on to study history of religions in college and graduate school and immersed herself in the ancient wisdom teachings of indigenous and developed cultures.Her intention of becoming a psychotherapist was waylaid when an astrologer told her that she had the ability to be a psychic healer and teacher.

After having her second child, Leontine trained in Reiki 1 in 1987. It was not until her third child, Daniel, died in an accident in 1993, that Leontine realized she needed to pursue her soul’s calling and become a trained shamanic healer and practitioner.

Once her fourth child was born, Leontine became an Usui and Karuna Reiki Master Teacher, studied with a number of energy healers and completed the Foundation for Shamanic Studies’ Three Year Program in Advanced Shamanism and Sandra Ingerman’s Two Year Shamanic Teacher Training.

She has studied with indigenous shamans from many countries around the world, including several Native American and First Nations medicine teachers and has spent time in the Andes Mountains in Peru and Ecuador and the Amazon jungle training with native shamans.

Knowing that being a true healer requires continual learning, she is also a graduate of Rosemary Gladstar’s Herbal Apprenticeship Program, Eliot Cowan’s Plant Spirit Medicine Training, Magnified Healing, Drunvalo Melchizedeck’s Awakening the Illuminated Heart, and is a certified teacher of the Melchizedeck Method, and is a certified Hypnotherapist and Past Life Regression Hypnotherapist, among other certifications. Leontine continues to see clients for private healing sessions. She works out of her Beverly, Massachusetts office as well as internationally all over the globe via the phone and Skype.