February 2025 – October 2025

Meets for 5 Weekend Classes

Taught by Leontine Hartzell,

Shamanic Visionary, Teacher & Healer


Classes meet in person at

Circles of Wisdom Store, 386 Merrimack  St, Methuen, MA, 01844

one hour north of Boston



  • Do you yearn to fully realize the healing gifts you were born with?

  • Are you called to be a spiritual energy healer and serve others with the guidance and support of helping spirits?

  • Do you want to feel connected to your inner power and the power of the love of the universe?

  • Do you desire to avoid burnout and see beyond formulaic methods to bring deep lasting healing to others and the planet?

Learn to have direct communication with spirit guides, bring healing energy and compassionate wisdom into your life and help others, and learn to work with helping spirits to heal the earth!

This is a powerful life-changing training in contemporary shamanism and spiritual practices that opens your consciousness and expands your awareness into connection with the light and beauty of all of life!

Work directly with Leontine Hartzell, a highly experienced shamanic teacher and practitioner (29 years’ experience) in small classes with individual guidance for your spiritual journey.

This unique, comprehensive and powerful life-changing program is being offered by Leontine Hartzell for the 29th year!

The course is taught with a holistic approach to mind, body, spirit, nature, earth and community.

This program trains people to have deep and clear connections with compassionate helping spirits and to be able to do healing work for themselves, others and the planet.

You will experience and explore the vast aspects of the spirit realms, helping spirits and connect with the wisdom of the ancestors and future generations.

You will learn to become a “hollow bone” as ancient shamans say, to bring healing wisdom and light healing energy into ordinary reality. You will learn to walk in two worlds – the spirit realms and ordinary reality- with the help of your spirit allies, to become a healer, seer and medicine person.

This intensive deep immersion experience in shamanic practices and shamanic energy healing methods trains people to learn how to be shamanic spiritual light healers and community shamanic practitioners.

Why is this course titled Shamanic Light Healer Apprenticeship?  

All true healing is about working with aligning and empowering the divine light within a person, community or place and the space between.  All of creation is actually made up of light- both the material and immaterial aspects of creation. You are made of light. When we learn to work with light, we can bring healing and wisdom to our human lives and the life all around us.

A crucial part of this process is the transformational self- healing journey students travel as they learn to work deeply and consistently with helping spirits, ancestors, nature spirits and other beneficent spirits.

You will receive healings in every class as classmates practice skills and methods under direct supervision. You will be guided as you progress on your personal journey of self-awareness and healing throughout each class and the course. Classes are kept small so you get individual guidance and mentoring.

The intention is that students learn to see with the heart and walk the path of light in partnership with helping spirits and with sacred intent in all aspects of one’s life.

The goal of this Apprenticeship Program is so that you will live with the direct guidance, healing and support of fully compassionate helping spirits, discover your soul’s calling with clarity and direction and become the most empowered person you can be to live your life with joy, ease and grace and service, aligned with your soul’s highest calling. The goal is that you will enter into a sacred relationship with all of life and live in the  knowing of your beautiful connections with all of life, nature, and the universe.

What You Will Learn:

Whether you will work on individuals doing healing work, conduct ceremonies and rituals, work privately with the spirits of the earth, or focus on enriching your own spiritual practices, this program will give you a wide basis of knowledge and practice to work with helping spirits of many kinds for healing, balance and harmony for yourself, others and the world.

Some graduates of this program build private healing practices, some bring their insights into the business arena, some focus on doing only specific work of service, some work only with nature. Your spirit guides will give you direct guidance as to how you are to use what you learn as you deepen your relationship with them.

You will be guided through this process with the help of Leontine Hartzell, who has over 33 years experience in shamanic practices, over 50 years experience in meditation practices (she started young!) and brings to her teaching continuous channeled wisdom from her spirit guides and Ascended Masters.

Do you feel called to connect with helping spirits and help others?

In these unprecedented accelerating changing times on planet earth, more and more people are awakening to their true spiritual natures and their soul’s calling to be more connected to spiritual truths and energies. By committing to expanding your spiritual practice and knowledge you can take responsibility for your true place in your earth family and community to reveal and utilize your true soul’s gifts in this lifetime.

Are you ready to answer the call?

Leontine is excited to offer this intensive full program again.  She has students and clients all over the world and is passionate about helping people realize their true calling as spiritual healers and visionaries. More and more people are answering the calling to move out of ego, to become pure channels for divine light, wisdom and healing, or as the ancestral shamans describe it: to become a hollow bone for spirit to work with.

What is the modern shamanic path?

This is a deeply spiritual path where we live in right harmonious relationship with respect and gratitude for all of life. Learning to transcend our egoic states and align with the divine both within and all around us, this is a path of transformation and awakening to divine love and harmony in all aspects of our life.

It is a path of working with the seen and unseen dimensions of reality, of working in close relationship with compassionate helping spirits to bring healing, wisdom, guidance, vision and balance for ourselves, others, our communities and our world.

We learn to work with benevolent ancestral spirits, as well as the descendants of the future, Ascended Masters, angelic beings, nature spirits and other helping spirits to guide and instruct us on the path of light.

What is Shamanism?

Shamanism is not a religion but is a spiritual practice thousands of years old and found in virtually every indigenous culture around the world. It is a spiritual practice where all of life is viewed and experienced as having spirit. By learning to open one’s heart, one is able to communicate and learn from the helping spirits, who are part of divine awakened consciousness, in order to awaken to one’s own true divine self and live in harmony with oneself, nature, with others and access healing and wisdom.


What is Shamanic Light Healing?

Leontine teaches a shamanic course that is focused on divine light and living shamanic practices. You will learn to connect with the light that makes up all of creation, which is the light that creates all healing.

Leontine teaches using techniques and methods of core shamanism (cross-cultural practices), energy medicine, meditation and other wisdom teachings Leontine has learned from indigenous shamans and shares with their permission and also teaches what she has channeled from her helping spirits.

Students also learn about healing methods that have been used for centuries and have been adapted to our current times. The modern shamanic light healer is thus able to work with pure divine light, wisdom and healing energies and bring these gifts to their own lives, to others and to apply to help heal our communities and planet earth.

Joining together, we will create strong circles of light for the creation of love, light, and balance to elevate our vibrations in alignment with pure divine light and love consciousness.

Classes are conducted in sacred circle and ceremonial style and will include teachings, shamanic journey to unseen realms of spirit, guided visualizations, class discussion, partner work, ceremony, ritual and regular Q and A time. Practices will be conducted with shamanic drumming, rattling, singing and toning, crystal and Tibetan bowls.

Leontine has over 45 years teaching experience teaching spiritual practices and meditation and has taught this training for the past 33 years to students from all over the world. She is continuously adapting and expanding the content to keep it relevant for our changing times!

New practices taught by her compassionate spirit guides and Ascended Masters are added each year to accelerate the learning and spiritual abilities of the students in the program and to continue to adapt to changing circumstances and energies on planet earth.

These classes use cross-cultural shamanic methods of shamanic spirit journeying to a drumbeat or rattle as the primary methods of accessing the spirit realms and connecting with helping spirits. We do not use drugs in any of our work.

You will experience and learn from:

Shamanic ritual,

Powerful ceremony,

light body activation,

guided meditations,

guided visualizations,

shamanic journeying,

advanced shamanic light energy healing methods,

shamanic sound healing empowerments,

ritual and circle singing,

sound healing and toning

ceremonial dances,

deep immersion in shamanic practices,

performing and receiving healings with classmates under supervision,

partner and small group work,

class discussion and small group sharing

learning healing methods to use on others, yourself and the earth

All this and more is included in the classes in this program.


Certificates of Completion:

Certificates of Completion will be given to students who successfully complete the entire Shamanic Light Healer Apprenticeship Program.

Certificates of Completion will be given to students who complete individual classes as well.


All classes, with the exception of Walking the Shaman’s Path, require at least a basic knowledge of shamanic journeying before enrolling.

Some classes also have other pre-requisites or permission of instructor required for enrollment.

Pre-requisites do not have to be taken with Leontine Hartzell, but can be taken with another qualified shamanic teacher. If you feel you are qualified in some other way to enroll in a class, please email Leontine at to request permission.

Before enrolling in this program students should have at least a basic knowledge and some experience with shamanic journeying. They need to have a relationship with a power animal and a spirit guide and be able to travel to the upper and lower worlds of non-ordinary reality.

Students can fulfill this prerequisite by:

Taking the Walking the Shaman’s Path class on Zoom in July, 2024 or taking the recorded class ( available after July 26, 2024) or by taking an  in person or on-line Introduction to Shamanic Journeying class with another qualified teacher or Sandra Ingerman on The Shift Network.

Sandra Ingerman’s book: Shamanic Journeying, A Beginner’s Guide, is highly recommended reading. Leontine’s YouTube video: Shamanic Drumming for Journeying -15 minutes, can be listened to while practicing journeying to your helping spirits.




Each Class is $255 if taken individually. Walking the Shaman’s Path of Wisdom is a separate fee of $125. If taking all 8 classes in the full program, there is a discounted fee of $245/each (total of $1,960). Soul Retrieval has a separate fee of $595.

Total price for all 8 classes in the full program + Soul Retrieval is $2,555.

Five Weekends in 2025:

Class Times: Saturdays:  10 am -5 pm, with lunch break.

Sundays: 10 am – 5 pm, with lunch break

Dates and Content:

February 1, 2025: Shamanic Immersion with Helping Spirits

February 2, 2025: Healing with Spiritual Light

April 5, 2025: Healing with the Ancestors

April 6, 2025: Deathwalking/Psychopomp (Pre-requisite: Healing with Spiritual Light or permission)

May 31, 2025: Extraction Healing (Pre-requisite: Healing w/Spiritual Light, Deathwalking or permission)

June 1, 2025: Divination, Dreamwork and Manifesting Destiny

August 2, 2025: Work with Nature Spirits

August 3, 2025: Healing with the Elements

October 4-5, 2025- Soul Retrieval Training. 2 day in person class with 3 Zoom evening meetings. Attendance at all classes is required:

Wednesday, October 1: 7-9 pm on Zoom

Saturday, October 4: 10 am – 6 pm in person @ Circles

Sunday, October 5: 10 am – 5 pm in person @ Circles

Tuesday, October 7: 7-9 pm on Zoom

Thursday, October 9: 7-9 pm on Zoom


If traveling to Circles of Wisdom, please contact the store at 978-474-8010 or by email to get the discount code for Hampton Inn, Haverhill MA only 1.7 miles from Circles of Wisdom.  There are several other hotels within a 15 minute drive as well as places to stay on AirBnB or VRBO.

More Details: 

Please bring a notebook and pen to class, a scarf or eye covering to cover your eyes while journeying, a drum or rattle, only if you have one (there is no need to purchase one!), or something that you can shake to make a rattle sound, a clear quartz crystal to be used for healing with a point on only one end.

You will receive an email the week before the class with class notes that you should print out to bring for class.

If you have any questions about the program, please email Leontine Hartzell at

Course Materials:

Notes will be provided for each class. You will also be given suggested exercises, journeys and practices to do between classes to deepen your spiritual practices.

When you register for the program you will also receive 6 bonuses created by Leontine to enhance your personal spiritual practice throughout the program and to be used after the program is completed to support your on-going spiritual evolution:

1. Guided video meditation for Awakening the Light Body

2. Guided chakra empowerment and alignment meditation video

3. Video of connecting to the spirits of the directions and the light grid to create sacred space

4. 15 minute shamanic drumming video to use for journeying to the spirit world

5. 10 minute rattling audio recording to be used for journeying

6. Sound Healing Empowerment Song – a channeled healing song in spirit language to align your energies and prepare you to communicate with helping spirits. Leontine is an award-winning Sound Healer and recording artist and has channeled this healing song from her helping spirits specifically for the group taking this program in 2024-2025.

Students will also be invited to a private facebook group where they will be able to communicate with other students in the program and ask Leontine questions to deepen their practice.

Graduates of the full Apprenticeship Program will also be invited to join the Circle of Light upon graduation, a collective of advanced shamanic practitioners that meet periodically (both online and in person in Massachusetts to create ceremony and do healing as well as build community and share experiences.

Graduates will also be invited to join the bi-monthly Shamanic Mentoring Group that Leontine leads on Zoom.

This program is a vital live shamanic circle of engaged learning and spiritual connection. The spiritual circle we form is crucial for the learning process and the support of the spirits for our training. In this way, the learning and transformational experiences that happen in this kind of intensive training can be supported by the circle of students and teacher, and the helping spirits.

Recommended Reading:

Recommended for the entire training–Sandra Ingerman’s book: ​Shamanic Journeying: A Beginner’s Guide

Shamanic Immersion:

Shamanism as a Spiritual Practice for Everyday Life, Tom Cowan

Seeing in the Dark: Claim Your Own Shamanic Power Now and in the Coming Age, Colleen Deatsman and Paul Bowersox

Gifts of Mother Earth: Earth Energies, Vortexes, Lines, and Grids, Jaap van Etten

Healing with the Ancestors:

Ancestral Medicine: Rituals for Personal and Family Healing, Daniel Foor

Dreamwork, Divination & Manifesting Destiny:

Dreaming the Soul Back Home: Shamanic Dreaming for Healing and Becoming Whole, Robert Moss

Healing with Spiritual Light:

Medicine for the Earth: How to Transform Personal and Environmental Toxins, Sandra Ingerman

How to Heal Toxic Thoughts: Simple Tools for Personal Transformation, Sandra Ingerman

Shamanic Deathwalking: The Art of Helping the Dead and Dying:

Death Walkers: Shamanic Psychopomps, Earthbound Ghosts, and Helping Spirits in the Afterlife Realm, by David Kowalewski PhD

Deathwalking: Helping Them Cross the Bridge, Shaman Pathways edited by Laura Perry

Shamanic Extraction and Alignment:

The Subtle Body Practice Manual: An Encyclopedia of your Energetic Anatomy, Cyndi Dale

Working with Spirits of Nature:

Awakening to the Spirit World: The Shamanic Path of Direct Revelation by Sandra Ingerman, Hank Wesselman, Leslie Howard

Nature Spirits and Elemental Beings: Working with Intelligence in Nature, Marko Pogacnik

Healing with the Elements:

Healing with Form, Energy, and Light: The Five Elements in Tibetan Shamanism, Tantra, and Dzogchen by Tenzin W. Rinpoche, Mark Dahlby

Soul Retrieval Intensive Training:

Soul Retrieval: Mending the Fragmented Self by Sandra Ingerman

Registration Instructions:

1. Register through Circles of Wisdom (click button below)

2. Complete the information below and email to: Leontine Hartzell at before the start of the course:




HOME ADDRESS: (Street, Town, State)






Please list teacher’s name and brief description of class


What Students Are Saying About Studying with Leontine:


“Leontine gives her big heart to everything.  She inspires commitment for those on the path of awaking inner compassion and strength.  I recommend her to anyone taking the challenging steps explore themselves and their role on the planet.  You will not regret a minute of time with her!”

Mary M., Nurse Administrator

“This weekend I finally graduated from your wonderful class. I thank you for your part in my journey of spiritual learning and discovery. I received guidance that everything I need is within and I could let go of my notes from class. I was a big notetaker! I still remember that you told us the best thing we could do after class was throw away our notes and let spirit lead, you were right. I feel really graduated now!”

Susan, Landscape Architect


“I was looking for change in my life when I stumbled upon an ad for the Eye of the Eagle Shamanic Training Program. There is a warmth and caring essence about Leontine that shined through her picture, and to meet her only enhances that.  She is a gifted healer, teacher and friend who, with the guidance and support of her guides, shares her knowledge, gifts and love to help facilitate growth and healing and connection to our own personal guides and allies in this world.  Leontine is one of those special people you feel blessed to know.”

Vanessa Lyons, Healer, Priestess, Teacher


“In the course of the Apprenticeship training, my classmates and I reconnected with our individual gifts and with expanded spiritual resources for insights and healing that support us in living our own best lives and in helping others- be it individuals, groups, or entire systems – to bring out their best. Thank you Leontine, for offering these valuable courses, it has been a pleasure and privilege to learn from you and all our collaborators in physical and spirit form.”

Elizabeth, Corporate Manager


“Thank you so much for this amazing year of shaman training. I am so very excited about everything I learned and consider this a stepping off point for a lifetime of learning and giving through shamanism.”

Amelia, Realtor


“How can I possibly express my gratitude for the shamanic training program! I will always appreciate your generous sharing of your knowledge, wisdom and experience and bringing your guides to us.”

Maryann, Corporate Executive


“I am so grateful for the teachings you share and your style of teaching. Your dedication shines through and you really know how to engage students in deep learning. This training has made a huge impact on my life!”

Carol, Nurse practitioner